Thursday, December 22, 2011
Need a patio but garden is boggy?
my garden is mainly clay, and get boggy when we get a lot of rain. i d like to lay slabs on an area of 10ft-5ft but don t no what to put down first so we can cement the slabs.I have lawn,decking and two other patio areas.the part i want to do now is just coloured stone.but the area would be ideal for the bbq,as its out the way and we have small grandchildren running around any ideas ?
Acne...birth control?
I've been on a bunch of meds for my acne (tetracycline, sulfur, and now retin a with the other 2) and my acne wont go away... it may be because of my amenorrhea but now i am going to start birth control... do you think it will help my acne go away with the other skin care regimen as well?
Who do i start at QB here?
Aaron Rodgers. Anderson has to face a tough PIT defense and Cel is still unproven. Rodgers faces a soft DET defense and just look at the numbers Matt Ryan was able to put up against them last week. Rodgers should do even better.
How to stop dog from ruining lawn?
I don't know that I agree with this but I bought a house one time and there was chicken wire all over the yard under the gr. Upon asking the previous owner what it was there for he said he was a dog breeder of labradoodles and snoodles and this kept them from digging out and tearing up his lawn. I didn't even notice it until I went to plant a garden. He said he tried everything and this was the only thing that worked. My concern would be that a dog that was used to digging there would hurt its paws or rip out a nail until he got used to it.
How can a person stop caring with all of their heart?
she's also their daughter if you find that they are not in good care the next option is a senior home or nursing home.
I receive e-mails which i would like to stop but i cant?
Use your SPAM on to mark them as spam, most phishing sites and sites that send unwanted mail continually use different email addresses so that if you block one the next gets through, they make a great effort to defeat your spam and filters functiions. It's a big hle.
Name of Usher: DJ got us falling in love remix?
It's this cool remix which has like 80's vive to it, it plays on the radio in Orlando area. It is not Jump Smokers Remix.
How can we stop the Japenese fishermen who kill whales and dolphins?
People killing for survival is completely different.I think your right there should be punishment.The only way to stop it is awarness.Hopefully the right people will realize whats going on and do something.The Japenese are going to have to be pursuaded to stop this.Its completely uncalled for.
A natural supplement that I can take to increase my libido/ drive/mood for intimacy?
It has to be something for a woman of course. With work, school, and kids sometimes I am not in the mood and it's hard to get me lubricated w/out . ANYTHING OTHER THAN KY JELLY OR ANOTHER LUBRICANT. I NEED SOMETHING TO WORK INTERNALLY W/MY BODY. PLEASE ONLY SERIOUS ANSWERS!!!!!!!
Choleric and Sanguine cartoon characters?
I'd like at least 4 of each. But any you can give me would be great. I already know one choleric: Rabbit from Winnie the Pooh and one sanguine: Tigger from Winnie the Pooh. Please, please, please. I need this for a health project.
How would you react if the government reinstated the draft?
They plan on increasing the size of the army. Personally I'm against it because well, because I dont want to go to war.
Economy? What exactly is wrong with the US economy? Why is it in this crisis? What is the Solution?
Pick a side and debate it. I dont care about obama or mccain. I want to know what is the vision you have of how you imagine in a ideal but still realistic world how you imagine the situation to be resolved? what would you do as president to solve the problem of the economy? tell me what bill you want enacted to solve this economy and how you see that bill effecting the US economy? thumbs down if you mention obama or mccain.
Jimy hendrix o van halen ??
Eddie Van Halen but only because he lived longer and had more of a chance to put our more music than Jimmy Hendrix.
Fender bender - how to proceed?
Make sure before she has your money in her hands that you write up a receipt that both of you sign. Date it and put both your driver license numbers on it as well. Make sure she's telling the truth- ask her to see the bumper.
Girl crush or more? Tell my husband?
I wouldnt to be honest. The only time I told my husband (about an attraction to another man) it caused all sorts of problems. It probably is just a crush or even curiosity with this other woman, I'm sure many women have wondered what it would be like, I have sometimes. It will fade with time.
Does anyone know where you can get good buffalo jerky in Portland, OR?
M&S Meats has THE best jerky I've ever had & is on Flathead Lake in Rollins, MT. However, the cost is $27 + $20 in shipping. Thats just a bit too $$ for me. Thanks.
Are there any sites that i can go to,to ask a lawyer about c/s ?
im in a situation where i need a lawyer for an issue conserning child support.i was just wondering if there was a site i can go to to ask a question or 2 to help me out.sure i probably can go see 1 for a free consultation,which i will,but im trying to get as much info as i can .i cant afford to actually pay for 1.thats because im broke after paying my c/,gas,etc.
Anybody else disappointed with TUF10 tonight?
u kno mayun i tottaly agree with a lil disapointed as whell...i meen everythang u sayd is what its supposed to be about, but youre right sumthin wuz missing...i cant quite put my finger on it tho... but yhea mayun tottaly..thease fighters dont seem too tallented either.. my uncles a huge boxing fan and i tried to get him into mma and he liked the contender. but when he seens thease outta shape clowns and a street you tube guy lol he tottaly lost interest...this cast aint really that exiteing...tuff 1 was amazing there wuz some tallent!! diego florian chirs forrest koscheck...but lately the casts suck... porr kimbo wonder what he thanks of this borring *** game now lol
Did Hillary lie already?
a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a
Will HP repair my broken laptop if my warranty has ran out?
My hp pavillion is like a year and a half old and never had any problems ( except that one time my screen got screwed but it was under warranty soo YAY!) but now it's like falling apart even though i didn't drop it or do any physical damage. The back plastic cover of the screen just fell off one fine day, then the joints of the screen started breaking so much so that it can't even hold up! Thanks to the revolutionary and ingenious technology of scotch tape it's holding up......FOR NOW! .. could get this thing repaired by HP for free even though my warranty ran out months ago? If not, how much would it cost to get it repaired. ANSWER FAST! NEED TO GET IT REPAIRED BEFORE MY CHRISTM BREAK!
Advice or kind words about owning a dog, please?
Some background info first; I own a bull mastiff/great dane. He is ten months old and about 90 lbs and he is very well trained. I live in a decent sized three bedroom duplex that my fiancee and I bought. He works afternoons, 2 to 10, I work part time as a deck hand on a dog friendly boat, so Logan (my dog) is rarely alone. But I have been put down many times by people telling my that I am an irresponsible dog owner because Logan is a rescue from a dog fighting ring and is very scarred up. Ive been told he needs to be put down, he is going to kill someone, etc. All by strangers. He loves babies, is scared of cats (and spiders) and is very gentle when he plays with my moms chihuahuas, all under 10 lbs. I guess I just want advice on what to do when people say that. How do I deal with people telling me that they know my dog better then I do?
Claim Exemption, please help?
I believe the Tax Lady, though correct, is brushing over the issue just a little bit. There are many different factors that go into what your potential tax liability will be for the year. Firstly, what is your projected annual salary? After that, aside from you and your husband, (I ume you will be filing jointly), do you have any other dependents? Do you own a home? But yes, basically, if you owed no tax for 2009, meaning not that you simply got a refund, but that the amount of tax on your 2009 tax return (line 11 Form 1040-EZ, line 37 Form 1040A, or line 60 Form 1040), was $0.00, this is the first part of the qualification. Then again, you need to determine, based on your projected income tax situation, whether or not you will incur no tax liability for the current year. If in fact, you meat both criterion, you are able to claim, "EXEMPT" on line 7 of your 2010 W-4.
Do you think you are smart? if you do then answer this question ;)?
Brine shrimp prefer a temperature between 77-86 •F (cold), salinity of 30-35 ppt, a pH of 8-9, and strong aeration with dark environment.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Christians can you explain why?
the woman you speak of was hemorrhaging blood(nowhere does it say she was on her cycle). Jesus was God in the flesh; God would never ask us to do something that He Himself wouldn't live in this world in the flesh. Also, Jesus was sent to teach, to set an example on how to live. ~God bless!~
What could I possibly have...?
I had sinusitis twice in the past month and a half. The sinusitis is cleared, there is just a lot of mucus build up (white) in my nose and it's a bit runny. However, I have had a gradually worsening cough for about two weeks now. I cough up thick white mucus and occasionally green/yellow bad tasting mucus. This morning i woke up and sat down on my cough and i started inhaling and exhaling through my mouth and as I did that, I felt a strange; fluid feeling... kind of a wheezing... in the left side of my chest/lung area. I used a stethoscope I have at home and I heard wheezing on the left side by my lung. Now, I have quite a bad back ache/pain in my upper back area, along with a bad, deep cough (usually i cough up mucus). Does anyone know what could be wrong with me? I don't have a fever.
Cigar Humidor Repairs, I need help!?
You might be better off getting a Cigar Caddy by Otterbox - I have three. Those suckers are airtight, waterproof, float and indestructable........
Rascal Flatts fans...?
Is their new cd worth buying? I have every other album, and I liked them all, except for the last one, "Me and My Gang"... I wasn't such a big fan of that one. Is the new album like "Me and My Gang"? I've heard a few songs on the radio, but I'm still on the fence about buying it or not.
Hi I'm Italian !! Nice to meet you !?
Hi Luca! My name is Luca. I live in Naples and I'm 18 years old. My favourite singer is Robbie Williams...don't warry I help you...My e-mail address you've already:D We see next time...bye bye
This one is a kinda question where yes and no wont be enough?
has there ever been a time where someone caused trouble for you but you couldnt retaliate either because of who they were or who "they knew" or just had straight authority over you. if so how did you handle it?
How do you know when a guy sees you as his "toy" for fun?
You seem to be rather intelligent because you have answered all of your own questions. It is always best to go with your own "gut feelings" in these type of matters. Don't give in to his ual advances because if you do, he will be gone in a "flash."
What is a good website for personals ?
what is a good website for personals like, but one that is 100% free with no vip upgrade. a free full membership account. no creditcard, or verification, none of that bullshit. does anyone know a website like that.?
Someeee questions?
come in all shapes sizes AND have to know what is normal for YOU before you can know what is ABnormal. The is a self-cleansing organ, no sprays or douches or heavy duty washing required. If you think you have an infection it is best to be seen by a doctor.
Having trouble with java and pogo?
Hmm... Did you uninstall it, or just delete it. Otherwise, there may be something wrong with your computer or the website. Try pogo again later.
Will my wife get my disability pension on my demise?
I am a 65 yo 100% disabled veteran receiving full disability for many years. When I expire will my wife get my disability payment. I hope so, because without it she lives on a very meager social security payment...she too is disabled and unemployed.
▐▐ CAN SomEoNe tell Me About Hardwood Floorin in MInneaPolis/St.Paul???
I am considering moving to the area. I am from the midwest, but am currently opperating a wood flooring install/refinish business in San Diego, I havent been here for that long but I am finding a high cost of living and not as much work as I would like, and the work here is, is floating and glue down floors because no one has basements,(which I dont care for) So I am wanting to know if my trade is in demand, the average rates for installs & refinishing, and if nail down floors are the most common type of wood floors. Any other info on my trade and the area would be very helpfull. Thanks
Help with Hamlet please?
I need an topic or an ideal for a hamlet comic strip? it can be serious or funny it does not matter.
Can you spray paint a fibergl orthopedic cast?
i just got my hand casted and i decided to get the cast white and green stripped (my fraternity colors). unfortunately it was cooler in concept than in reality. I wan2 spray paint the thing white but I'm not sure if this will mess it up. Alternatively does any one know how much replacement casts are?
Theres this girl at my school.?
I'm 13 and ive known this girl for around 3-4 years, I really like her, but she doesn't really feel the same way, I'm kind of a computer geek, Anyway (i don't know if this would help but) she calls me squishy and i get alot of hugs, and ya but everyone calls her Fluffy and pokes her alot. (and also she knows I love her... she's also 1 year older than me but i don't know if that makes any difference...)
What are the big brick circles on San Francisco streets?
I've figured out that they are called cisterns. That they are cavities that hold between 10,000 and 100,000 gallons of water. I think I understand that there was a relationship to these being created, and the 1906 earthquake. So, to be more specific, are they still maintained? Do they still contain water? Is it potable water? Is it only for fire fighting uses? Are they obsoleted because of hydrants? Are they still used?
What railroads got what was known as the 'Rock Island' railroad?
Andy , and Derail are spot on. Way back when , "The Rock Island Line was a mighty good road , The Rock Island Line was the road to ride . The Rock Island Line was a mighty good road . If you wanna ride it , ya gotta ride it like ya find it , Get your ticket at the station on the Rock Island Line."
Did Iraq fall off the face of the Earth?
What happened in January & February & now March that has shut-off the commentary of what's wrong & why? There's no news about Iraq hardly at all, on Yahoo or on TV, hardly any int'l news really -- aside from Mitchell being sent to Gaza and Hillary on her first trip. (Why wasn't Hillary asked about Iraq?) It seems odd to me, that as many times that I've turned on the nightly news -- I've seen hardly anything about news, plans, measures, fighting, CRITICISMs that were a near daily part of the news for how many years... before this Janurary. Odd, isn't it?
My girlfriend and i broke up sunday morning, does it sound like theres still a chance :)?
Oh sweetie don't even start thinking if you two have another chance. Right now she needs a friend. A strong friend that can give her the support and love that she really needs right now. See if she will go talk to anyone maybe that can help her. Maybe she will go if you go with her....But just be there for her. I know how she feels I would get hit as well until my bestfriend saved me and he is now my husband <3
How do I tell my therapist that I draw people dieing?
I think the best thing to do is to bring your drawings to show to her and explain to her what situations caused you to draw them. She can't help you until she understands the whole story.
I'm 18 and am pregnant with my second child, am I being irresponsible for keeping it?
Who cares what your cousin says. It is YOUR decision, and your fiance's as well. If you want to have another child and think you can handle it, that is your choice, and your family should support you. If you want to have an abortion, and think that is the best thing for you and your family, that is also your choice. Good luck with whatever you decide!
Why do i keep dreaming about demons?
i have dreamt about spiritually conquering demons, since the age of five or six. well last nite i dreamt that me and my boyfriend were moving into a new home and were discussing where we were going to place the couch when suddenly this demon comes out of another room hauling *** towards my boyfriend and hes tackling it then it comes after me and i tell it to back down and leave me alone then i awake. the one i remember from my childhood is that i am sitting on a bed being attacked by a demon and green slime is coming from my mouth and i am singing Jesus loves me. Am i being attacked in my dreams? quite frankly i don't know how to perceive this.
Does combining Dexatrim and Relacore lead to even faster weight loss?
I saw in Glamour magazine that some celebs combine these two diet pills, dexatrim for energy and relacore for belly fat, to lose weight fast. Has anyone tried this? I'm exercising and dieting but not seeing results fast enough. Could this change my body?
Girls---is this something that interests you?
You pretty much have all the bases covered accept the "I like you... as a friend" and the mommas boys. Aside from that, you've got it down.
How can ATHEISTS deny that Fact that Atheists were responsible for more deaths than any other group in history?
Atheism is not the driving force behind communism, nor is it a major justification for the actions of dictators. You're drawing a false parallel. You could just as easily say that men who eat bread are responsible for more deaths than any other group in history.
Younger guy of 32 has asked me out? But I'm in late 40s? Advice please?
do what you feel. if your heart feels for him then go for it! if you're still unsure then wait it out, be friends and let things flow. if it is meant to work out, he will still be there, even if you aren't quite ready (: good luck, i hope everything works out well for you.
Can i have 3 guinea pigs together in one hutch or will they fight???
we are getting baby guinea pigs and want 3, but is it alright??? how much space do they need ive seen (youtube) not that much x
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
How to make a web side (1) is free (2)another is to making money?
i want to make a web side to earn money & for free side i am at sikkim right now . for question to earn money from web side 1. hoe can i earn money.2. what process should i apply for earn money .3.i mean how can i earn money to go to bank for account .4. last ,how can web give me a money through check or something ales ,or should i make e-account .help me please begging you.
Where would you find the wheel lock lug nut key for a 2008 Lancer Evolution?
Got a flat couldn't find the key lock in the trunk next to jack. Is that where it should be located or elsewhere. Maybe I lost it, and if I did, how would i get a replacement lug nut key?
American in Canada question?
I'm an American who got married to a Canadian in America for 2 years moved here and divorced. I have never completed the whole process so I am not a resident here. I have lived here for a couple of years but never worked. I was about to leave when I met my Fiance, we are engaged and are expecting a baby in 3 months. My pport expired on March 2009 and I have to renew it. I know I know, I should have renewed it. But the point is I haven't and I am due in 3 months and I am not getting on a plane until AFTER the baby is born. My Fiance is a citizen of Canada (born & raised). Will the new pport (as there a new immigration laws that are in effect) have some sort of detection that I have overstayed when I leave to visit my family in America? We are getting married and I am applying resident status here. Thank you.
Is everyone who claims to be abducted by ufo's really liars?
I wouldn't say they are ALL liars and/or delusional. Maybe they saw some aircraft from the military and thought they saw something else.
I need someone to solve this word problem. TEN POINTS TO BEST ANSWER?
After thanksgiving dinner, Grandmother puts a large tray of mints on the Coffee table by the TV for people to munch on while they watched the football game. Uncle Frank loves to eat mints, and he managed to eat half of them during the game. My father almost did as well as Uncle Frank; he ate one third of all the mints. Grandfather isn't supposed to have any mints, but he took the last reamaning three. How many mints did Grandmother put on the table originally? Best Answer gets ten points
Would the hair or strings of the bow ever need replacing for a cello instrument?
Yes, bows need to be rehaired now and then. A pro who plays a lot might get a rehair every 3 months, a fairly serious student might need a rehair once a year. It depends on how much you play.
What is michael bubles best song yet?
im a keen fan haha and if anyone likes frank sinatra, bobby darin or robbie williams dont hesitate in writing down your favs for them aswell
Ballet studios in Memphis, TN?
I live in the Collierville/Memphis area of Tennessee, and I was wondering if anyone knows of a moderately priced ballet studio that teaches beginners who are 12 to 13 years of age? My daughter has been pestering me about letting her take ballet cles, but my main concerns are that the price of the lessons won't work with my budget, and that no one will teach her because she is 13 and has never had any training. Any help would be appreciated!
Caught my husband talking to his best friend about another woman?
I caught my husband last night talking about how fing awesome this fing teeney bopper is to his best friend.. the girl is 19 I am 28 and he is 39... He did not say sorry he just told me I needed to grow up.... this morning I got out of bed and did not say a word to him... he went outside in the garage and came back in about 2 hours later and finally said he was sorry .for hurting my feelings and he was sorry... he told me it had nothing to do with me... I said I know it didn't that is why I was so pissssed it was about another women... He said do you really want me to tell him about what we do... I said yeah I would rather you not talk about other women... I wait on him hand and foot... I work make good money come home cook dinner make his plate he never has to get off the couch after he gets home... I do the cooking and cleaning even if I am so exhausted.... he never has to do anything...I just don't understand why he has to oggle over other women when he has a good women at home and I am not ugly... I was freaking on the queens court for the fair and rodeo... I have put on just a little weight since he and I got together but not much at all.. He has gained as well.. I keep our life interesting and do things that he likes... so why does he insist on looking at other women in a ual contact????
To all people who are in love with someone that does not love you back.?
I know what it's like, and believe me it hurts. I am there right now. I wish he knew that I at least have feelings for him, but he probably never will. It's a hard thing to deal with, but my advice to all of you girls and guys out there is to let him/her know that you are there for them no matter matter what. That your a friend they have you, if they ever need some one. Also, in my view... You should want whats best for them, what makes them happy. Like here is some what of an example: This guy who I love so deeply, and truly, I would be prepared to give anything for him, especially my life, so that he may live, wants a girlfriend. I pray that he will find one, and hopefully for both of their benefits, that she loves him more then I. He means so much, he is on my mind alot, and even though he doesn't know it.... He has taught me more about love then anyone else on this earth. "What is true Love? No one knows for sure, until one experiences it for himself." There was one time were I thought I was in love, although deep down, I knew I wasn't. I always asked myself, "Am I really in love?" Now, I know I wasn't at all. I felt jealous when he was with another girl, I felt like I had to have him for me, and no one else, blah, blah, blah. That all changed when I met, and got to know, 'Him.' I don't feel that way, the feeling is different, and it feels pure, not fake. All I want is what is best for him, I always want to put him first. Above me anyday. He is amazing, and I pray that he has a good life. Also, one more thing... Whn you fall in love, there will be no questions. You will know that it is true. -More to come...
Anyone seen the GMC Sierra All Terrain Concept?
I want this truck so bad. Favorite brand, and its a HD 6.6L Diesel!!! Unfortunately its still a concept. Any opinion on if it will actually make it into the market. There are rumors that it might says Autoblog, but no official news yet.
Is the Invertigo Rollercoaster (formerly known as Face Off) a lay down coaster?
The rollercoaster at King's Island. Me and someone else are having a bet on this. They believe that you lay down on Invertigo during the ride while I told her that you sit down on it, like a regular rollercoaster. I told her that the only rollercoaster you lay down on is the Firehawk.
Who can help me with counterarguments?
Okay, I understand the favor you are asking of me, but I do not know what your specific question is.
Looking for some songs about break ups..?
Will a debt counseling affect my credit report?
I am going through a debt couseling service to consolidate my high interest credit cards, will this hurt my credit score?? Through this agency I can only have 1 open credit account -- which is fine, I am SICK of credit debt, but what about buying a vehicle?? WOuld I be able to get financing??
How can I tell if this boy likes me?
He likes u a tad but perhaps shy. Go and talk to him when hes alone and let him know u think hes cute but dont say any more. Then ask him to be ur bf if he replies nicely or just smiles. Grab hima nd take him
Why is black such a popular clothing color?
Black is a good basic color that compliments most colors.Summer clothes should be lighter when it is warmer.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Liberals: What are some issues you're "conservative" on? Conservatives: What are some issues you're liberal on?
Liberal. Was against the "Ground Zero Mosque" until I understood the position of the planners. Now I think it's a good idea.
What's that song.. Top 40 type music. Ooo what Did u you sayyy...what did she say. modulated voice?
It has a very modulated voice.. It alternates beteen a guy and a girl and the girls voice is really modulated sounding like she's saying ooo what did you sayyyy or something. It's top 40 type music like kanye and whatnot
Prostate Cancer poll: Any guys out there having discomfort with magnetic seeds...?
...while having ? If any men out there with Prostate Cancer (or women of spouses/boyfriends) who has chose radiation brachytherapy (magnetic seeds placed inside the prostate gland) as a treatment to get rid of the cancer please discreetly tell of your experiences within the first 3 months. And what's is next to come. I am livin' & learnin' and it's difficult... especially in the bedroom.
What is a good idea for a Legislative bill with a good moral that makes sense? Any Ideas? Help NEEDED?
My bill wasn't excepted into the Docket of the NFL and I cannot come up with any other ideas. Please let me know if you have any ideas
What is going on here?? Everyone please answer this?
My college lecturer makes eye contact me with the entire cl when he is talking and there 20 of us there. When im smiling into his face, he does the exact same to me!! Today in cl, a clmate( guy ) started talking to me, and my college tutor's face went kind of red and he made an amused smile at me. Today my eyebrow slighly went up and his went up too at the same time. He laughs at things i say and comments on stuff i do. When i looked left he looked over to see what i was looking at. Im 21 and he's 27. Does he like me??
What seems to be Jeds problem?
Jed, a couch potato, likes to eat a very large meal in the evening. After the meal, his wife asks him to help clean the dishes, bt Jed explained that he is "too tired" and promptly goes to sleep. What seems to be his problem?
Where can I buy a dress for 6th grade Homecoming?
Well we are having a Homecoming in about 3 or 4 weeks and I need a dress. Nothing too long , and really girly and fluffy. Just like a short looking tutu dress that would be appropriate for my age. (I'm 11) I asked my teacher if it was a Casual Wear Homecoming or like Fancy Dressy Homecoming and she said that it was a fancy homecoming. I don't wanna go there wearing an outfit I would wear to school on a normal day espically if its a fancy homecoming. I'm also one of the nominations for Homecoming Queen so I don't wanna look plain (: Please don't give me a site for dresses for proms that are 100$ something not too expensive but nothing too cheap . . . ! Thanks yhaa :)
The hide&seek game of war crime investigation.Will this latest allegation survive or die like previous?
Ahahaha really? Sri Lankan army is the best in the world. We are a free country. You must be pumped up!
Is Jorge (George) Lopez a self hater?
Why does he pretend he has 55% european ancestry that guy is as dark as other indians I have seen, he needs to be proud of being an indian and stop kissing white azz.
I have a concrete driveway that needs to be torn up and rebuilt.?
it,s in poor shape. what does it cost to have it totally replaced? i don,t think patching will work, as the slabs are tilted and badly spalled.
Has Anyone heard of "1000 DJs?'?
I have heard of them too. Supernaut was on the Nativity in Black (Sabbath tribute album). I heard that Al Jourgenson from Ministry was in it too.
How can biology by a point of view?
Christians say, lets teach creationism and evolution side by side, so then I can choose what I want to believe. That is like saying tech me that 2 + 2 =4 and 2 + 2 = 6 and I will decide what one works better for me. Evolution is true and is backed up by science. There is no debate about the validity of evolution in the scientific community. It is accepted as true because that is were the evidence points to. There is no evidence for creationism, not even the smallest amount. And for those that say evolution is only a scientific theory, well, so is gravity, will you denounce gravity next? Will you say, let me choose if gravity is real or not. Let me remind you that creationism is not backed up by science at all. I guess the question is, why should we teach two different views in school, when one is true and the other is not?
What are some examples of censorship in our society?
Some of today's most obvious forms of censorship are the following: If you criticize a black person, you are racist. This causes only the fringes of society to speak out. If you criticize muslims for all their terrorists, you get in trouble for criticizing someones religion, even though they really need to be openly criticized. If you openly express your views, you will be treated like "joe the Plumber" you had the government looking into his background just for asking the presidential candidate a serious question. If you criticize a regulatory agency, they will make you the target of some investigation. If you criticize the police department, they will make you a target. Our politicians make laws that make it easy for these agencies to go after someone for no real reason. This list goes on!!!!!!!!!!
My weird ex is pestering me?
it sounds like hes pissed about the break up, yet wants to irritate u by chilling wiht ur friends wihtout u and say awful things about u to them and the whole facebook junk is just another add on to his jealousy and anger towards you. i suggest you confront him to stop and if he cant respect that then get the authorities into the problem such as parents and even the police if it goes that far.
Meanie Nigel?
Who thinks what nigel said on wednesday about the guy "having a broom shoved up where it doesn't shine" was mean? I personally think it was disrespectul
If a presidential candidate were found to have been a heroin addict would you vote for that candidate?
If you were on board with a presidential candidate and then it was found out that they were formerly a heroin addict, would you still vote for that person? uming everything else were perfectly in line with your thinking?
Looking for a friend that lives in Ft Payne,al.35967 his name is;(Norman Harris) he is 29 yrs.old.Green Ave.?
He is about 5'7-1/2" tall,135lbs.,strawberry blond hair,hazel eyes.He is a gifted b Drummer,usally a Heavy Metel drummer.
Which celeb have you ever fantasied with you?
So some on guys what celebs in my case david beckham, glee start puck, erm and many others who do you have a Fantasy about and what happens :P?
Should I go to a party tonight?
I'm not a big partier and I LOVE college basketball. The NCAA Tournament is honestly like X-Mas to me. I have not missed Thursday or Friday night Tourney games since middle school. My friends want me to be their DD. Stay and watch bball or go to the party?
What should we do about this *****?
Well my don't you, Lindsay, and Natasha make you're own little group of friends with Annie and leave Holly and Cat to deal with it. That's what i'd do. I mean Cat can't be a good mate if she left Annie and Holly can't be that good either if she doesn't make an effort to do things with u
Drywall Question?
I added an couple walls in my house and put drywall up, their not fully mudded yet just filling in the seams etc are done. Is there an easy way to finish the walls thats not very complicated? I just want them finished asap any help would be great.
I need a project idea for Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness?
Hey im doing an AP english project on HofD, and it is on the motifs in the book, and im supposed to do a giant visual interpretation of one of these motifs. People have done immaculate things and i was wondering if anyone has any ideas! Please help!
I want to be less stupid, more competent?
You're quite well spoken and can compose a compelling story. I'd look for a small local paper and see if you could talk them into letting you do a weekly column. Anything to start. Even the old ladies knitting club or something. Your obvious self-awareness can work to your advantage in the journalistic field as you'd be more likely to focus on your subject as you'd prefer to divert the attention away from yourself. Turn your writing talents away from your shortcomings to a subject. I think it would work for you.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
If the melting polar icecaps are flooding the oceans with fresh water why don't we build desaulination plants?
If we remove the salt from the excess ocean water and put the salt back into the ocean would it not cancel each other out? Plus all the fresh water that could be made could help in times of drought. In foreign lands where water is scarce it could be a life saver. There by delaying the cool down of the oceans and reducing the land consumed by the raising levels. This would not stop the melting polar ice caps but it would buy so more time to clean up our act.
GIRLS!!! Would you date him?
So i been talking to this guy casually for about 6 months. We took things extremely slow..actually i really was not interested at first but with time i was. Since he is in law school ( we do keep in touch while he is away from home) it is hard but he does communicate with me while hes there. For Valentines day hee texted me saying hey beautiful happy valentines day and he asked me how my day was. So when he came down for his spring break we made plans to go out for lunch. So he picked me up from school then we went for lunch (he paid) then he dropped me back to school. I am interested in him but im not crazy about him. We met up again and this time we went to the lake and sat and talked about school, his ex girlfriends and family and he dropped me back.
Does anyone find these measurements weird?
This guy I know is 6'1/2 and only has size 7 feet! I'm a 5'5 girl and my feet are size 6.. pretty big admittedly, but isn't size 7 feet for that height unusual?
Disneyland Paris.?
Is it true that as you go into Disneyland Paris, there is a wall of photos of all the children who have been abducted from there?
Is it possible to zone focus with an old Canon AE-1?
I just inherited my uncles AE-1, it's like brand new condition and I'm so excited to mess around. I shoot a Nikon D300 for my primary camera and shoot completely manual. I do use the focus points on my D300 and am confused with the AE-1... Does it only focus on the center point? Is there a way to get my focal point to be anywhere else? I may be stupid, haha, but I need your help here :) I don't want everything center aligned haha!
My landlord uses my utilities without my knowledge or providing me payment (California)?
I have lived in my apartment for 2 years. My landlord has used my water and electricity for the past 2 years and has made it very difficult as i could not figure out how or why my bills were coming in so high. I spoke with him recently ( 2 days ago) and he said he is thinking of evicting me when i brought the topic up. He has given me 4 payments for my water bill amounting in $120. But i have not received any payments as of July 2009 also he has run wires from my outside outlets for his personal use. He has never given me any installments for my light and frankly i am very sick & tired. Also he has now in forced a $50 late charge if the rent is not received by the 3rd of every month even though I stated at the signing of the lease i do not get paid until the 5th.
My ex is stalking me.....What is the most dangerous weapon that I can legally carry?
Are you allowed to carry a concealed weapon in you state? If you can, then obviously a gun is the most dangerous weapon a person could carry. But with the mental health history, that might not be possible. Your other choices are a taser, or pepper spray. Neither are very dangerous, but they will more than likely provide a safe getaway, if it came down to that.
Pokemon battle right now?
You would be disqualified from legit tournaments with that team. Consider using non-legendaries, they are legal and fair; no one likes cheaters.
My little brother snuck into my room while I was masturbating to some pics on my computer.What should I say!?
I was looking at some pics of different movie actors online and my back was turned to the door. My 7 year old brother snuck in when I was using my vibrator and walked up next to me and said, "Eww, what are you doing?" I screamed and jumped up with the wet vibrator still buzzing in my hand and screamed for him to leave. I haven't talked to him since and I don't know what to tell him. How do I explain so that he doesn't become a pervert or something?
Shouldn't anti racists be called anti white people?
i think questions like this prolong the problem. i think you should be above it all. i think everybody should be above it all. race , shmace, just live dammit, live.
Should i purchase The Gp2x Caanoo or The Gp2x Wiz?
I'm looking into getting a handheld emulator Ive decided to get a Gp2x Caanoo or a Wiz The price isn't the problem I've found them for the same price I've heard good things about both of them but Ive heard bad things about the og stick on the CaanooWhich one would be the best for use as an emulator?
Is there any insurance plan that covers birth control outright?
I'm not sure what your asking. All prescriptions require the authorization of a doctor, that's why they are prescription medications. If you are talking about needing your doctors authorization to go to the Gyn then that is up to your plan, you need to find an open plan where you do not need referrals but they are a lot more expensive.
Where can you buy AFC t-shirts?
AFC stands for anti fitness club, a hungarian emo band, does anyone know where i could buy a t-shirt? preferably not online?????
School-wide fundraising ideas for Haiti?
I'm in cl council at my high school and we want to make a difference for the Haiti earthquake victims! Our president thought of doing a t-shirt and giving proceeds to red cross or directly, but I think that takes too much time and capital..Any fundraising ideas whether it be a product or service?
Does this guy prefer camels?
Often imitated needs to grow up. These people will say and make up anything to make themselves look good to the media. "Poor pitiful me." They're terrorists and should be treated like terrorists.
Is it bad to have 2 URL for the same website?
From the stand point of maintenance it is easier to create 1 site with a URL redirect from the second URL. From the perspective of SEO it is better to have two separate sites that are optimized to the narrower niches. The best solution is kind of a hybrid, you use the same back-end with different front ends, so that all of the meta, titles, tags, images etc are SEO'd to the Nth degree, relating the the specific niche. It all comes down to execution. You can simply create category pages that SEO very well for the narrower topic and send all advertising and links for the category directly to them, but having a URL with the keyword in it will always rank better... I tend to buy MANY urls for every site and p through.
Heartland - celtic thunder lyrics????
okay most of their songs basicly i want to know the pronunciation to their gaelic lyrics the choruses and stuff can nayone help?
I am going to be in a 4-h show and I need some boots here are a few I want you to pick out the best ones?
The first ones look the best. Though leather is really the best option, it is going to last a whole lot longer than synthetic or pleather.
Fair enough - mike ashley sacks big sam because he wants to see 'y football'...?
Mike Ashley's habit of sitting in the stands during matches was meant to mean that he's in touch with the fans , but i dont think its a good idea to be so in touch. When our team does crap, we complain and whinge about it...thats what fans do and we're entitled to it. But the owners and directors are meant to look at things in the longer terms, and be more detached than the fans. It seems to me that he's trying to do whatever to takes to be a friend of the fans...even considering alan shearer ,who has no experience in a management/coaching position.
Imtryin2findthistechno/trance song,ithasthebeatofcyndylauper…
I didnt realise that i had all this room to describe the song so sorry for having to put all the words next to eachother,yeah this song sounds like cyndy laupers time after time background but sped up. But there arent too many lyrics its this female that keeps repeating herself and she doesnt speek so clearly so i think shes saying "oh i need to get out" then "just do it now" then half way through the song theres this guy who has this (im not racist im half black) african american guys voice that says "Hey DJ" and right after he says that the b starts kicking in. i hope i described the song good enough for someone to answer, thanks. (im not sure weather the genre is house, techno, electronica. or trance/
Can someone tell me about the use of mutant plants in agriculture?
Have a look through these websites on mutant plants: a href=",18167,27847,28101&xhr=t&q=mutant+plants+in+agriculture%3F&cp=0&pf=p&sclient=psy&site=&source=hp&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=mutant+plants+in+agriculture%3F&gs_rfai=&pbx=1&fp=de610b7113b09eab" rel="nofollow"…/a A mutant plant (also known as a Sport), provided it is in someway an improvement on existing plants, can be grown on and help develop better plants.
Im Going To A Club But Its A Foam Party What Can I Wear ? Please Reply Within 2 Weeks xx?
It doesn't matter, because like most clubbers at foam parties, by the end of the evening your clothes won't be on you because you'll be completely drunk and having unprotected with a total stranger that you won't even know the following day and will have no way of contacting about unwanted pregnancy and STD's.
Awful smell in basement?
This awful dead skunk-like smell just started coming through the heat exchanges. When I go in my basement, the whole thing reeks like skunk. It is the middle of winter here, however, we are having a warmer spell and the snow outside is melting. We have a sump pump in the basement the is emptying every few minutes due to drainage, apparently we sit on a high water table. Is that causing the smell? Or should I be worried about something else?
Dont know what to get my 15 month old daughter for christmas... help?
this will be her 2nd christmas, but i am deployed overseas currently so i cant tell what she likes and doesnt, she already has a walker and bouncer, but i was wanting to buy her something and just send it home, i have no clue what to get, i do know she loves elmo and dora, any suggestions?
Should I change my name?
Your last name is fine. You might share it with a dead guy that used to be a dictator, but that is just life. You might be asked a million times if you were related to him, just like I am sure there are a million Smiths's outthere being asked if they are related somehow to Anna Nicole Smith, so its just a last name, and no sane person will treat you differently for having the same last name as that other guy.
Is the stuff going on in Libya really a war or a light training exercise for NATO pilots?
People should stop saying we're at war in Libya when all NATO did is roam Libyan sky and bomb a few trucks, thats barely a training exercise for the bored NATO pilots.
Honest opinions on a poem I wrote; it's called Waging War Against a Typewriter?
I'll venture some honest criticism, but without knowing your age and writing experience, you may want to take it with a grain of salt. First, the poem is somewhat unfocused at the level of the image and diction. The struggle to write can be a good theme for you, but the metaphors are mixed or shift radically throughout a poem that could, as a previous poster said, be much shorter. For example, you start the poem with this idea that the attempt to imagine an idea for a poem is a dreamlike state that _speeds_ time is later undermined by the lines about the mockery of the clock (which seem to suggest the torturously slow page of time). You stress the helplessness of writer's block in lines 1-4, 19-22 but the bafflement of these sections is not supported by the violent action of filling the page. What causes that directed rage? Is your own self-consciousness being projected onto the page? How can we reasonably understand the act of writing as a kind of self-destruction? Tease these questions out and I think the poem gets deeper. Beware of hyperbole--is war the best ogy for what you've elsewhere described as more of a boxing match ("pugilistic") or a dream state or a kind of drowning in ideas? I'd think about limiting the ogy to something closer to that very personal experience of putting pencil to paper to write (rather than the enormity of a destructive war). I'd also think about cutting the clock section and the time emphasis--the struggle seems more fundamentally about the difficulty in plucking loose ideas from the ether and focusing them into fully formed poetic ideas. Keep the focus there and I think you build a kind of momentum that is otherwise lost with the series of "or" statements ("or perhaps with myself" "or maybe the clock"). Good luck and keep writing!
Well i lost my virginty about a week ago .. details insiide-->?
well i loved my boyfriend soo much n he broke up with me 4 a other girl n i know he played me but im 14 n i know im young to be even doing or thinking about this stuff but i really love this boy .. he means everything to me and i know he must not love me back to hurt me he playing them kiddie games but i know once he done with her hes going to come running back to me !! when he does i dont know what to do i mean i did everthing everthingggg with this boy and i know that when he says he loves me agian im just going to exept that and start going back out with him i dont know why i really dont know what to do !!
Is George Soros and Clinton behind the Foley smear campaign?
I thought it was funny when I heard yesterday that Democratic leaders knew about Foley emailing the pages for months now, why are they just coming out with it now? Could it be because of elections?
What's goin on?! please help?
hey guys i got this girls number and we texted for like seven hours last weekend and it was great but recently whenever i texted her she'll respond but then when i send her a second text she won't text me back i'm startin to think she's not interested but at the same time if she wasn't interested why would she text me back why not just ignore the texts? idk guys its just drivin me crazy!
Rakim VS Tupac (Influence Wise)?
pac was kind of more of a symbol of rap and its violence, a martyr of the game, and because of that when people think of rap they think of someone like him. Also his subject matter was very groundbreaking, songs about women's rights, teenage pregnancy, and his love of his mother were things never discussed in a very macho, male oriented genre. Also his contradictory styles, being a player in one song and a supporter of womens rights in another, or against black on black violence in one song and then threatening to kill all his enemies in another was a concept that no one had really done before. But strictly musically rakim had more influence just because of the complexity of his rhymes, taking lyricism to a whole new level, pretty much influencing every other serious lyricist from then on. So it really depends on your opinion of what kind of influence is more important. I personally would say pac overall, just because he was influential in a number of ways.
I want the whole truth, what is being an engineer like?
I'm trying to decide if I really want to be an engineer before I go through the major struggle the math higher than Calculus and the physics are going to be. I'm interested in mechanical, agricultural, or computer engineering. I want to know all the pros, cons, and what the daily life is REALLY like for someone with this sort of job. Do they really get their hands on what they are building, or do they mostly just calculate things? Are the hours usually good or are they as bad as business jobs can be? Do you get to be creative and just brainstorm and build things that come to you? Or are you given a very specific task that you just do without any creative input? Any and all help will be appreciated! Thanks!
We just renewed norton 2006 and it does not clear the viruses from our computer. it says fix prob, butit wont
i thought that it covers everything, now it says urgent, 2 items affecting your computer, high risk, do i need to purchase another virus protection. i cant even play on pogo
What cells carry out diffusion?
i need to find a specific cellwhich carry out diffusion like normal cells do with carbon dioxide and oxygen. plz giv me another example and state where it is on the body. thx
Do we look like brothers?
You are both very handsome. I think you look similar; your eyes have the same slant, chins and same smile. If you two aren't related I will be very shocked. :)
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Can I put drywall(sheetrock) over Lath work? Or should I remove the laths(wood strips) first?
It is an old house the plaster is likely a late 1800's install, I have removed the horsehair plaster, now I want to put drywall back up. Should I remove all the laths? Or is it ok to screw the drywall over the top of them?
Does anyone know the name of this painting?
Not sure, I thought of Paul Gauguin Check out his artwork, (Google image search his name) it's similar. (I posted a painting of his that I thought felt similar to the one you showed.)
How can I improve my self-esteem?
Try a new haircut, that always makes me feel better :) or try some new styles and compare - check out
Who is Marcus Belby in Harry Potter and the Half- blood Prince?
marcus belby is the skinny quiet boy that was introduced to harry in slughorn's carriage on the train on the way to hogwarts ,but never made it into the slug club as he and his father had stopped talking and lost contact with his famous relative that was in slughorn's slug club when he last teached at hogwarts.
Math! Suppose you have a 24-h clock (not a regular 12-h clock).?
In 18h, it will p through 18/24 = 3/4 of the clock. There are 2pi radians in the entire circle, so we get 3/4 * 2pi = 3pi/2.
How long would this team go undefeated?
LOL so undefeated that when you ask them what the word "lose" means they'll get confused. 82-0. Undisputed champs. Period.
Balloon in stomach?
I was reading it is possible to have a balloon inserted into our stomach as a alternative to gastric byp. Any of you had this done before and were you satisfied with the result?
PC and MP3 USB Port problems.?
connect it and go into control panel click and new hadware then click add new hadware and follow the instructions
Does this make me gay ?
I wouldn't use the words "makes you gay" but given the details of your story there, I'd say there's a very good possibility that you are. Nothing wrong with that!
Are prosecutors just haring because she is Paris Hilton?
they're always trying to fakely fool people like they're really being equal haring celebs, come on, guess because celeb doesn't mean have high level corrupt connections, these wealthy girls in houston (harris county, last name Dunn) convicted of armed robbery gave probation and have to shelve books in a/c library and tutor, how come they don't mow lawns? like a david medina corrupt district judge put by rick perry and bush failed breathalyzer fake trial and dropped case; also a fed issue, robert blake's attorney even said county jails worse conditions and rights (worse for health, fed issue) than state and federal pens (hot checks worse crime than state or fed felonies), as anyone knows if Paris Hilton was related to a corrupt cop (child, relative or friend) wouldn't have even been charged as well as jailed, cops' kids worst delinquents and drug dealers (pushers) and notorious criminal offenders, that's a proveable fact
Do calf's leather have small dots(follicles) on its surface?
And how to differentiate between pigskin and calf leather?Is it necessary for pigskin to have the '3 triangular dots' appearance?
Can I feed my mastiff Canidae even though it isn't a giant breed formula?
Do I have to get a large or ginat breed formula? I know they can not have too much protein, so would Canidae still be a good choice?
Little bump at the top of my tooth (gingiva)....? HELP PLEASE?
its squishy (yeah grosss) it had a little white dot but i poped it and it started bleeding, what is it? (no, its not an STD) I have had it before when i was very young, how do I get rid of it? and is it normal to still have baby teeth when your 15?
I am thirty been with my wife for 15 years, I need a a girlfriend. ?
We've been together for 15 years and been married for 5. we have two beautiful girls and are planning a third, but our life is just not there anymore. she wants it kinda 'regular' I want a little more fun in the bedroom and anytime I try she gets bent out of shape,'I don't want toys, I want you' which is fine but I want some fun and excitment. I am admittedly a VERY ual person and have been contimplating finding a girl friend that would be completely seperate from our life. no phone calls no address no last names...Probably over the internet or with a disosable phone. Am I going way overboard or out of bounds, I understand about adultery and all that but I want to do this because I love my wife and kids and dont want to split the house up over such a stupid thing, My question is am I being greedy, or am I making a fairly sane argument.
When does the Prince exo3 ignite 95 hit the stores?
I think the demos are out, so hopefully sometime soon, maybe in a month or two. I'm not too excited though, it seems like a copy of the Six-One series from Wilson.
WEIRD or what........!!!?
you should have done a swopsie, gave him ur umbrella if he gave u his trousers. seems quite a reasonable request to me ! x
What is your opinion on the patriot act?
Three foundations of our govt. The Executive (President) the Judiciary (Judges) and the Congressional. This Patriot Act is GOOD! Understand while a Judge may be unaware of the FBI procedures the FBI will NOT proceede without oversight in fact the Congressional leaders of our Country and the intelligence agency will and r duley bound to look into the practices of the Federal depts. and their agents. This is a GREAT DAY for Patriots AND SAFETY SECURITY! Different Congress Members will surely have different opinions of Federal Agencies practices THIS SETS the bar for the ETHICAL, MORALITY, LEGALITY and Expectations of Federal police VERY HIGH! This act is designed for us and will Protect us US Citizens do you agree?
i like it a lot! but of course, im asian and my family isnt very good at "decorating" things .. so ive always wanted a pretty room or w/e. im 14 and i also like purple, though i think im growing out of that stage? but since youre going to college, dont you thnk you should go for something more neutral and maybe "not so embarring"......
Does anyone know what this sickness is??? :(?
It's either a cold or seasonal allergies. If your mucus is clear, then it's allergies and you need to take an antihistamine, such as Zyrtec or Claritin, each morning. If your mucus is yellow or green, then you have either a cold or sinus infection, and you need to take pseudophedrine, commonly called Sudafed, every 4-6 hours, or, if you haven't gotten better within a week, go to a doctor because you need a prescription.
Where can I find an online Latin dictionary that will let me search for conjugated verbs?
I'm an advanced Latin student but now and then I have trouble finding a verb in my dictionary because it has irregular principle parts. I have scoured the internet but to no avail: is there anywhere that I could plug in a conjugated verb (or perhaps a declined noun or adjective) and get a result, rather than having to plug in the infinitive or first person singular form?
Is this correct, about the definition for the joule?
joule is a measurement of energy. 1 joule represents the kinetic energy (how hard it hits you) of 1 kg of m trailing at 1 meter per second.
I have been abducted by Aliens and been aulted what can I do ?
I have been abducted by Aliens ever since I was a little Boy. I remember they ually asalted me severel times. I even have scars inside and out. What can I do? I am scared they will come back and do this again. Everytime I see a bright light like a car driving past and the lights hits my window's I freak...Please help what can I do ?
What kind of rash is this?
I have a rash under my chin. i went white water rafting yesterday and i had a used helmet on, but also my dad has shingles on his arm so i dont know if i rubbed my head by his arm or the helmet did it. but its red and its rough.
Becoming a teacher with a low COLLEGE GPA.?
You need to check with your state (Department of Education) and see what their requirements are. You will probably have to take more college cles and get a degree in Education.
Which of the following are definitions of the Ecliptic?
We are riding around the Sun, but on our sky this looks like the Sun moves a full path around between the stars. That path is also the imagination of our own orbit around the Sun, so b and d are correct.
Embarring question about my boyfriend's uality...?
I hate to have to do this, but I have no one else to talk to. When I first met Sam we were both going through an experimental stage, he was seeing multiple men and I'd had one encounter with another girl. We started out as friends, became best friends and then lovers / partners. Of course this meant we were monogamous with eachother so the issue of sleeping with other people, men or women wasnt something we spoke about. It started to bother me when everyone I knew including my parents commented how they thought Sam way gay. Admittedly he does have a lot of gay qualities but we were so in love and were so dedicated to eachother everyone accepted us as a couple. We have no been together for 9 years, we live together and he has recetly proposed. My only worry now (apart from his sometimes feminine qualities) is that I have caught him searching the internet for gay and phone dating sites. I found messages on his mobile from gay websites offering him previews etc.
What securities should I hold in a taxable investment account?
I just opened a brokerage account and am wondering what I should buy - individual stocks, ETFs or mutual funds? Individual bonds or bond funds? What is the best for a taxable (not IRA) account?
Why is UPS so pathetic?
Because my ex boyfriend works for them so if they're hiring sucky people like him that's why they suck. :)
How do you help a child in need WITHOUT being taking advantage of by their parent?
Hello, I am just like the child you refer to, and you are not crazy, but you do these things for him, because, well, you love him, and no matter who his "mom" may be, he is just like your child, you can look at it as being taken advantage of by the mother, or you can look at it the right way, you are doing this for the child, not the mother. Trust me, ha will grow to learn that you love him, and that he can rely and trust in you. Look at it this way, his real mother isnt there for him, you are, he'll know that one day, then when he figures it out, who is he going to look to for guidance? You. Try explaining this to your boyfriend the best way you can, hopefully, he can fell what you feel. After all, for all intensive purposes, in that childs eyes... You are his mother.
I had a REALLY dark, scary dream last night?
Homes, i find, represent us (especially since you grew up there.) The figures can represent a number of things: fears, qualities you don't like about yourself, shadows of a bad/repressed memory. the list goes on. I need to know more.. how did you feel towards the figures? (how you feel towards EVERYTHING is SUPER significant.) The fact that they are grim reaper like is a huge pointer to death. Are you afraid of death? Black holes can represent lots of things (it really depends on how you felt towards it.) But just to give you an answer just for answering sake, they can represent nothingness/death. This could be another reference to your fear of death (if you are afraid of it) or you could be leading an empty life at the moment. I hope that helped, give me some feed back if you want to discuss it more :)
How Would Obama handle a zombie threat?
This is a completely hypothetical question, I just figured people need to have a good laugh rather than just bicker and argue for once.
Republican Senator Lindsey Graham supports the cap and trade bill - will the deniers lose yet again?
Regulation is the liberal answer. The free market is the conservative answer. Of course a conservative like Graham supports Waxman-Markey. Regulation distorts the marketplace.
Friday, December 16, 2011
Adding a new bathroom in front of house. Do I need to add a new vent line?
Look into an air admittance device (studor valve). Ask bldg dept when you get your plumbing permit if they are allowed in your area.
How to help 2nd grader struggling with reading comprehension?
well he's not confident reading to himself he thinks its wrong but if he does it out loud he likes all the attention he gets from the other kids so work with him in self confidence hope it helps
If you were stranded on an island what three things would you choose?
they cannot be vehicles like boats and ships etc. i would choose: a gold medal, a stick, and micheal phelps
Why do Atheists care so much about Religion?
I mean, why bother your time on this site? Why are you here? It's not like you saying there is no God on this site and mocking him is going to get anyone to denounce God. Whats the point?
Have you ever met a famous musician? did you get to talk to them or spend any time with them?
i had the great fortune of meeting crosby, stills and nash. they were staying at the resort that i work at before a show and ran into them several times. got back stage pes and actually got to hang out with them before the show, we even drank david crosbys' beer! (he likes sierra nevada pale ale). they were incredibly down to earth and kind, gave us lots of momentos too!
I have a 98 Wellcraft 240 SE?
I am getting water (quite a bit) in the aft cabin. This is above the water line and only comes in while under way. I thought it was from a 3 hour trip in very rough seas where I was getting totally drenched by the water crashing over the bow, but I have since let it dry for a week at the dock. When I went out for a short time Saturday there was almost an inch of water in the aft cabin. I am completely baffled as to where or how this water is coming in. One thought, is that from the rough trip I took, the water got trapped somewhere and then when I went out again it leaked in cabin, but again, I have know idea even where it could be trapped and the water is sea water. Any ideas will be helpful, I'm thinking of taking it out of the water to look at the hull, but that is a chore and a half, plus if the hull was cracked, I'd be getting water in the bilge. (bilge is dry).. Thank you,
Can you help me remember this candy?
Ok so i'm trying to remember this candy or fruit snack. I remember it was a strawberry flavored gummy outside, in the form of a rope or maybe a stick, with kind of a white cream center, and it had sour crystals on the very outside. Does that ring any bells for anyone?
Help with right triangles....:]?
I cannot find the area of a right triangle that has the perimeter of 24cm and the hypotenuse is 10cm, but what is the area? please help? also, i cannot find the perimeter of this right triangle that has the area of 6cm and the hypotenuse is 5cm. please help me find the perimeter of that right triangle! whoever answers correctly will be given many points if i choose you as best answer!
Lauren Conrad's thin diamond band?
ok so lauren conrad wears a thin diamond band..anyone know where there is one like it or the same one? i really love it and please help...will reward best answer..
How to deal with overprotective dad?
(srry for it being long) hey i'm an 18 year old guy who is really interested in this girl i've been hanging out with who is 17 . shes never had a boyfriend before and here is why, her dad is extremely over protective and made her and a recent guy break up a little over a month ago, idk why i didn't want to step over any boundries and ask but it really affected and makes her sad and upset, if she does anything alone with a guy then he doesn't like it, now she said to wait till she's 18 wich is in a month when she has more freedom to date but she is really traditional and wants me to ask her dad if i can date her, she dated that one guy for a couple of weeks so that means he must have asked to and the dad said ok so the previous boyfriend may have done something that idk, i just didn't want to go deep into it, and we can't date behind the dad's back because if he ever found out then he would nvr let me near her again and that would hurt her more. i've told her that if she wanted to, sit down and just talk about it she said yes so i need to now wat to say to her and wat advice to give any help would be great becuase i really care for this girl
I need the serial number for the sims 2 bon voyage and glamour life?
i lost the books to these 2 games and i need the numbers on the back of them so i can re-install my games
1`3 years old, 117 lbs, about 5'3"...overweight?
everyone tells me im fat. when im at home i feel fine, but whn i go to school i feel fat. is it just because i dont have a friend to tell me other wise?? im getting a bad image of myelf. am i overweight? theres no way i can lose weight, i am not aloud out of my house much so i cant ecercise more than i do. also i dont snack and i dont eat junk food. but my metabolism is slow. i cant change my diet from what i do. am i overweight? (plz say no)
Theres a song on Eastenders revealed?
hi i know snow patrol song was on (Run) leona lewis sang it also dont know if you are on about that xx
Herb kit without drainage holes?
I just bought a herb-starting kit containing pots, potting mix and seed packets for five different herbs -- basil, parsley, oregano, cilantro and chives. After following the instructions and setting the pots in my south-facing window, it dawned on me that the kit didn't come with a drainage tray or saucers and none of the pots have drainage holes. Is this common in these sorts of seed-starting kits or did I just waste money on a set that's doomed to fail?
Is it illegal to buy medicine if you live in the usa from overseas?
I am looking to buy my medication from overseas, since its a fraction of the cost, but I am confused if its illegal? The drug I need is not a narcotic/pain reliever. Is it illegal to have some one mail me my medication? I would not be buying it through a web site but a family member would purchase it for me and send it by mail. I do have a valid prescription. Thank you.
Are humans cannibals?
Humans have become the mosy sucessful rodents on the planet because they have, and will eat anything edible & digestable to survive, including each other. Does that mean were indemically cannibalistic?
Is it true that theres going to be a pet tax law now?
my sister told me that theres going o be a new tax for pet owners, that 9% of all vetbills are going to be taxable now or something like that. is it true or did she misunderstand something similar to this?
How do i go about writing an autobiography?
start where you were born etc...but u can write it like a journal. But start with birth talk about where u grew up and your parents grandparents etc.
Its all Bull Manure except for Christ. You do know that ?
It seems to me that what is being stated here is that only God (represented here by "Christ"?) matters and all else - all worldly pleasures, are worthless as dung. All the temporary things will p away, and to cling to them is to cling to what will be destroyed. Only cling to God and the things of God, who is eternal.
How to recive a free car that runs raleigh nc my email is
donated car please help find my answer i need serious help on thi dont dont play or stupid crap i dont have time . mature grown adults please help me find a resource that will donate or give me a running car again my email adress is thank for your time and help a young who needs a hand
English question: What does this mean?
"Smaller case" refers to lower-case letters--"little" letters, non-capitals. Possibly the person who said it meant a smaller type size, but that's not really what it means. It would probably help to see the overall context.
Question only for experienced Yugioh card Experts or very experienced?
Well JC it seems as if you have a big mix of a lot of cards i would just build a deck that uses mostly Level 4 monster that has the most attacks. Use about 16-18 lv 4 monsters with 1600-2000 atk and mix in 1 level 7-9 and 2 lv 6-5 monsters or three Lv 6-5 monsters. This way you will get a feel on what cards you should use. For the spells use 10 - 14 of the ones that controle / destroy your opponents monsters or ones that raise your monsters attack. For the traps use 5-8 that destroy/ weaken/ or stop your opponents monsters. Make sure your deck is around 40-43 cards thats what the best use. If that dont help just go buy a new starter deck from wal-mart "Zombie world" pre made deck that comes with 40 cards only 10 bucks.
Do you think Marijuana should be legalized?
Absolutely! Alcohol also causes people to lose lives, & for that matter, take the lives of others.
How do i make friends with my boyfriend's friends?
I've hung out with them twice, and it's been awkward for me. They just act like i'm not there. They don't talk to me and i don't know what they're talking about, mostly, so i don't chime in. My boyfriend's nice and talks to me on the side, but i feel like i'm bringing him down because he has to "take care" of me because I can't just chill normally. Any suggestions to make these get togethers less awkward?
NFL WEEK 8 PREDICTIONS - who will win?
those are the only ones your confident about??? are you serious? possibly the Patriots over the Redskins perhaps?! lol.. be sure of that!
Is this a good prologue to my science fiction novel: "The Blue Arugula Pie" ?
Icarus sat down at the dinner table with a spork. He was hungry. As his wife Gertrude preheated the oven, Icarus realized that they had not fetched fresh arugula for the blue pie. He immediately began panicking, for he really enjoyed the flaky pie and Gertrude was very gifted at baking. As he opened the door to run to the market, a giant ogre stood in his way. The ogre looked down at him, snarling. "ME HUNGEE", he screamed. Gertrude fainted and Icarus' heart began racing. What to do, what to do! "I WILL RUN TO THE MARKET TO FETCH YOU SOME GOUDA" he bellowed. The orgre looked angrier than ever "ME LACTOSE INTOLERANT. ME WANT LO MEIN". Icarus knew that would be quite a stretch, but he was willing to accept the challeng. He sat the giant ogre down on a comfy chair and turned on the sports channel. The ogre put his feet up on the nearby ottoman. "I will fix you up a cold gl of cow juice". "NOOO", roared the ogre, "ME LACTOSE INTOLERANT! WHAT NO YOU UNDASTAND?!" "Oh, I'm terribly sorry, sir, I will get you some chicken on a corn cob. Would you like that?", said Icarus bashfully. "YES, HUWEEE". Icarus compiled the tasty morsel and put it on a decorative plate. He gave it to the ogre and went on his way to go find the ingredients necessary to make lo mein.
I want to learn the violin but i'm not sure if i should?
it depends...i used to play violin for three years, dropped it for two years then picked it back up, but now it sounds really horrible and no one wants to listen to it. my sister says it sounded way better back then.
Girl in my cl . . .?
You need to make her follow your rules. If she refuses to do the ignment you give her she needs to fail the ignment. You will need to explain to her why she failed it. I would not come right out and tell her that you know she was abused, but let her know you are available if she wants to talk to you. A far as the notebook it sounds like she may have wrote something in there that she doesn't want any one to know about. Is it possible her dad is abusing her worse than her mom and that is why she doesn't want to go home?
When I download music via UTorrent my computer misbehaves. Is this an unsafe method?
Utorrent is generally pretty safe, and is a much better alternative than limewire. It is still possible to download viruses via utorrent if you don't know what you are doing though, get on utorrent and pirate a good antivirus like NOD32.
How do I get birds out of my chimney that have made a nest and are living there without harming them?
We have lots of birds and baby birds living in our chimney and they make alot of noise. How do we get them out of there without harming them? Thank you
Can you critique my poem?
Hi. You did a great job, you have an active imagination, very vivid and easy to understand, the rhythm and the meter along with the form gives your poem a perfect vision of what you want your readers to feel and to capture, you did this nicely. Keep writing and inspiring others. Lovely poem, your Teacher will like this very much. TC.
When playing a guitar how do the following...?
Put my fingers on the strings... I cant explain to well but everytime I go to pluck a string it just comes out like tink... so then i try to only put a little pressure on it and it goes bong... mainly my question is do I put full pressure on the notes I wanna play or do I only put a little, Guitar lessons are far to expensive
Do you think the Arabs mesed with the wrong Texan?
They never imagined that GWB would attack Afghanistan and Iraq after 9/11 ! they obviously miscalculated.
Is there a site where I can get minis for POGO that POGO doesn't already have?
No, sorry. About the best thing you can do is contact Pogo support and request specific mini items...and then have a lot of patience.
Is it time to let him go?
what i think about the situation is recently he told u he stilled liked u but i believe he just said that not to hurt your feelings, because if he still liked u he would be with u but i believe he likes katie more and thats why he's still with her so i would definitely say move on but i bet when u do move on thats when he's going to try to get at u
Have you seen any of these DVDs?
OK, so I want to know: who else is a fan of Brock Gill and/or Stephen Baldwin & the Livin It ministry? I love those dudes!
White bump on outer edge of lip?
i have this bump on the outside edge of my lip and it has been there since december of last year..when it first appeared, i popped it and it left a reddish mark where it was, then suddenly reappeared... but now it seems permanent....the only kind of medicine ive tried was blistex ointment but it doesn't help. the bump is white looking and its not squishy like a regular pimple, its not painful at all.. when i try to pop it now.. all it does is bleed.. what could this possibly be? its really frustrating me :(
Thursday, December 15, 2011
What does my dream mean?
First I was in a city at night, I think I was in a car and as I approached people, I saw that they were looking up at the sky at UFO's. Then there were 2 women who were arrested and were charged with invading the earth and were called terrorists. The women looked normal, not like aliens. I think this bit of my dream was brought up by me last night flicking through the channels and seeing that 'UFO Files' was on. Next I was in maths cl and I was looking at the guy I like and I felt a sudden burst of anger in my dream because he was laughing with a girl but I don't know who she was. Then I was with my friend from my old school and I haven't seen her in real life for about a year and we were in my school, and then it went on fire. I woke up, but it took me ages to get back to sleep because I thought I had really been abducted by aliens. I fell back to sleep and this was the weirdest bit. My dad was Michael Jackson!!!! Except he didn't look like Michael Jackson, just his normal self! He was signing autographs and dancing and I was watching him in concert! I'm not even a fan of Michael Jackson but my mom is. Could anyone explain these weird dreams that I had last night?
Is this something to worry about?????
Your body could just be going through some changes. See how it goes next month. If the same thing happens you should see your doctor.
Boric Acid was used years ago to kill roaches. Any drawbacks?
No-its' great,I wish I would have remembered it the other day. Get the powdered form and vac it up after a while-enough of it will remain to dry the buggers out.
What are some ways a 13 year old girl could earn money?
maybe a peper route in your community im the same age and i babysit. another way is go to local hair shop and ask them if they need some one to maybe sweep up hair and put things away. or look in the phonebook in the yellow pages because you might see an add for a flower shop or sometyhing. what would be great is buy a whole bunch of candy bars and turn around and sell them at your school for a profit. thats whats kids at my school do and they make tons of money because kids always want candy. another good way is go to a place where a lot of people always are like a shopping plaza or something and set up something were you do a dance or say jokes with your friends or something and see if people will paay to watch you. you know like they drop money in a at beccause they think you are good. also since your a kid and the age you are you will probaly get more mone becasue you will be cuter taht an adult doing it.
Is it true the way you break an engine in is the way it will perform?
I just bought a used Durango with a 5.9 in it. I would think it should have alotta power, but I'd swear it was a V-6. Works good, just not overloaded for power. Also how durable are the 5.9 engines...I've never had a big V-8, and it's got 300 000km on it now. Just gonna be a plow truck/second vehicle, but how long will that old motor last? Thanks
Are there any good but cheap nvidia video cards?
You could do an upgrade to a 9600GT or 9800GT... but that's around $100.00. I don't know what you consider to be "cheap".
Yes or no?
Whenever I'm stuck and I'm thinking wether I should do it or not, I just ask my parents or choose randomly. Now, to get rid of this dilemma once and for all. I'm going to try and get as many people as possible to answer this question and tally the results and do whatever the result is. So just say yes or no. It's as easy as that.
Is Alexander Ovechkin just making a fool of himself now?
This isn't the first time Boudreau has been displeased with what he believes is overcelebrations, I recall a similar incident where they all mobbed Fedorov after he scored a goal while down 5-2 against Carolina a couple weeks ago or so (even though it looked like he fell down). Celebrating is a part of the game, and AO clearly has a pion for the game. I haven't seen the clip you are referring to yet, so I can't really say yes or no. If it was overexcessive, NFL style, then I'll agree.
Why is everyone bickering about the money Liverpool spent on Carroll?
35m for Carroll is too much.With that money you can buy another world cl striker.35m you can get Aguero or Benzema.
Do you think the Jena Six case is a Hate Crime?
YES I DO. I think all of them would be absolutely disgusted with that crap. I also think they'd be MUCH louder about their disgust. It should have been exposed a long time ago. No one should have let it go this long.
What is it when you're half-asleep and you suddenly feel like you're falling and you jump upward?
This behavior is a vestigial part of the brain that we retained from the time we were sleeping in trees. It's the brain waking you up because you might be falling out of the tree. This is for real, told to me by a doctor from Mayo Clinic.
What's a good movie to watch?
I'm really bored and I want to watch a movie, what's a good one to watch? I like comedies and clics from the 70s and 80s, not anything from the 50s or earlier but just a good film. my favorite movies are fight club, a clockwork orange, american beauty, taxi driver.. along those lines. thanks
What is the expenditure of U.S. agricultural R&D in 2005?
I want to know the whole expenditure of U.S. agricultural R&D in 2005, all including goverment and private sections.
Where can i find tutus !!!Having a Sweet16 . i want my gurls 2 wear nice fluffy tutus !!!?
hey ! i am having a sweet16 & i would like my girls 2 wear tutus . Not the plane ones . i want nice puffy fluffy ones nice and colorful where onliNE or stores can i find them ????? HELPP!!
Why are many ilegal inmigrants of Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Poland in Russia?
You forgot to ask about thousands of Russians illegally sneaking or trying to sneak thru Ukraine into Western Europe.
Who thinks that allen iverson never should have been in the all star game?
joe deserved the 5th spot and if any piston should be in the allstar game, it should be rasheed wallace. he is an accomplished shooter and can shoot with both arms
How to turn a shovel into a gutair?
okay a all ready asked this question but when i mean crappy as in unusable broken fret board rotting and what not and i'm on a tight budget and can't afford a new one. so i don't want to here you say any profanity on this question
Chocolate fudge cake recipe?
My stepmom used to make this amazing cake when i was younger, and i can't find the recipe anywhere. It was a chocolate cake, with Sander's Milk Chocolate Hot Fudge layered on top, and i think cool whip on top of that. I don't know how she made it, and I'm not really in a position to just look up her number and give her a call. Anyone know the recipe? Would i be able to just use any chocolate cake mix and whipped cream topping? Thanks for the help!
Loss of Purchase Agreement of flat & registration receipt?
can the duplicate of purchase agreement be obtained & what is the procedure, & similarly for registration reveipt, & with duplicate both doents can the flat be sold, can it creat problem for the purchaser of flat in any respect or at the time of his selling the purchased flat or for obtaining loan for the flat
Are there any turbochargers for an 08 Scion xB?
Does anyone make a twin turbo for an 08 Scion xB? Or is there anyway that one can mod the engine so it can have one hooked up?
Why do you humans.???
Because we are competitve, and are playing a game, the object of which is to have the most power in all areas of life to deliver our values and the best standard of living.Nobody in power and playing the game really accepts the drastic consequences of what they are doing, each hoping something will turn up for their society that will see them right. It wont and in the meantime the game goes on and our grandchildren have a horrendous legacy. In the end, we as a community need to take away power from the corporations and goverments and be responsible in how we live ie, recycle, shop, transport ourselves, vote, protest and generally take the wind out of the sails of these short sighted exploiting idiots who have turned this nation into a souless hotch potch population with no civic value, characterised by materialistic greed, selfishness, shallowness, apathy, ignorant consumption without conscience and aspiration to the culture epitimised by american culture. Its ****, but without a revolution of mive proportions it will continue.
Ok,what does this mean? is he giving me another chance?
Forget him, it means he's using the voting issue as an excuse. If you really love someone what difference does it make who you voted for. I guess if you put the toilet paper roll on backwards he'd dump you to. You have your rights in this country to your opinion or Freedom of Speech. No offense but I wouldn't want another chance with him. He sounds .
Do you think the Democrats should go before the House Ethics Comm.?
Of course House Democratic leaders should have to testify. If it is determined they might have had advance knowledge of the event they are guilty of endangering the welfare of a minor by sitting on the information (if that turns out to be the case.)
I went to a bball game with him and he ignored me and didnt talk to me?
He may not have noticed he doing it. Ask him. If he had plenty of friends around may be trying to act cool. Talk to him.
I am going to be a fairy for Halloween?
I am going to be a fairy for Halloween. I am a parent to two girls(6 and 2) and need some ideas for the actual costume. I have fabulous wings, but no actual costume. No Pastels. I was thinking of going to Goodwill and get a FAiry looking dress.
Who is the cutest boy!!?
You said you had strong feelings for chad, go with your heart if thats what you really feel, you dont need other peoples opinions.
Why is it that depression can create thoughts that have neva happened?and why does your mind lie to you?
why is it that depression feeds on false negatives of thoughts or events that arent true.. and it wont let you see things for what they really are?
Would this person be eligible for food stamps?
Call your local Social Services office, listed in the phone book. They can help you with the rules for your state.
Sucky friends situation :[?
OMG I am going through this this year too. I guess I agree with .. Jenna i think her name was. People change and sometimes you cant control it. And thats what destiny is unfortunately. Maybe talk to them about it. Tell them how much you miss them. It might be kinda cheesy, but maybe they are feeling the same. I'm sorry cuz i know how much it sux. I hope it works out for you and I hope my advice helped.
Personal Advise: Education Summer Camp or Exemption from Finals?
I'm a 9th grader right now. I'm interested in going to a Duke Summer Camp (featured in London) this summer, but if I go I will miss the first five days of school. If I miss five days of school, I will not be able to be exempt from finals at the end of the year, which counts for 18% of my GPA. My main question is should I go? I might be able to workout a compromise with the school or maybe I could leave early from camp a few days early (although it's extremely expensive), but the camp is something that I REALLY want to do. But this decision could ruin my GPA.
Can you name me a more toughter confrence than the SEC WEST?
Auburn #1 LSU #8 Alabama #18. Arkansas #12 Mississippi State #15, and Ole Miss! Five out of the six teams in top 15 WOW
Large Tax Refund in Canada?
is it likely that the government will issue a large refund to my husband or will they pay him in installments? He took an MBA program and is claiming the amount that he paid in full at 30000.00.
Do u remember the bart man?
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Wednesday, December 14, 2011
What is the name of...?
What is the name of a 18 sided figure made entirely out of regular polygons of the same shape? *IE all octogons/septagons/ triangles/ etc.
Cat Behavior....?
I have a 1 1/2 yo tortie cat (Tara) and she misbehaves alot. I spoke to people who told me that she might be doing this for attention. However I dont feel that's the case. Since everywhere I go she is there ( even when I take a shower she has to be in the bathroom too). I adopted her from the aspca when she was just a couple of weeks so she has no other owners other then me and my bf. Does the breed of a cat influence its tempermant ? If so what are clic signs of a tortie's behavior... I LOVE HER but she drives me crazy.
Normal relationship? please help!!!?
if you guys hang out and see each other then its normal but if you guys are only contacting each other then there is something wrong and must be fixed before the relationships dies quickly then you think
What would be character in this page?
It's all in the WAY the story is written, if your focused on how the story shows character. What person is it in? (1st, 2nd) What words are being used to make you stay focused? How old does the "I" feel to you? Etc.
Is this a good idea to say sorry to my boyfriend?
What your doing is all good ideas. But tell him that you were being a "B" Be truthful open up to the way you were treating the relationship. Hes going to be very grateful for what you've done. But mean what you say and change.Cause the next time he probably will walk away.
Is this a true observation on allrounders?
Good question. I agree with most of the answers with one notable exception! Bowling is much harder then batting,just ask some of those on the injury list at present. You have made some good points.
Would the Hindu fascist forces demolish Hindu temples ?
the hindu fascist forces led by viswa hindu parishad and the BJP used physical violence against chandra mohan ,a graduate student of MS university, vadodara, gujarat alleging that his painting s as obscene and showing hindu gods in poor light. the paintings were meant for internal essment and not for for public exhibition, NOW MY QUESTION IS WILL THE HINDU FASCIST BRIGADE DEMOLISH KHAJURAHO, KONARK TEMPLE AND OTHER TEMPLES WHICH DEPICT THE OF HINDU GODS AND OGRAPHIC SCULPTURES?denounce the actions of this pseudo patriots who mortgaged mother India for the sake of thousands of rupees in asking questions in parliament, indulging in human trafficking, killing innocent people in fake encounters.
Any info about Salvador Dali?
Salvador Dali painted in the style of surrealism, meaning the dream state. His most famous work was the persistence of time which oddly if you see it in person is only about 11 by 12.
What did America gain from starting both WWI and WWII?
WWI and WWII established American power. It showed that the US was capable of participating in war and allowed us to participate in foreign affairs more actively.
Would you feel weird if this happened to you?
To make a long story short, yesterday in my Spanish cl we were playing a game with two teams in which we had to conjugate verbs in the past tense. A few weeks before yesterday, the girl I like had straightened her hair. I was going to give her a compliment, but I decided not to because I didn't want to scare off the girl and creep her out because a lot of girls get embarred when you tell them compliments in the middle of cl. Anyway, yesterday another guy complimented the girl I liked before I was about to compliment the girl about three second before I was about to say it. I decided that it wasn't best to say the same thing as him, because then the girl I like would just think I was copying the other guy. But deep down inside, I DID love her boots. Are there any other compliments I should give her, and is there anything I could have done differently the day that I liked her straighten her hair? The girl said thank you and laughed when the other guy gave her the compliment, and it sort of made me feel jealous because she laughed at some of my jokes before. Should I have given her compliments a week or a few weeks ago so she would've known I liked her? Also, is there anything I can do to show her that I like her. I'm looking for ideas of sincere compliments. Thanks.
Sorry, can't help you. If you can figure out how to use Y/A, you can find (mis)information to support your choice online.
When it comes to your favourite band..?
Most of my favorites are singer/songwriters, so I notice the amazing lyrics they come up with. If more people noticed them, they'd have platinum albums on their walls for their own recordings (not for someone else doing their songs).
Who do you think you're kidding?
Yes fireball with your god all things are possible ... esp schizophrenia and gross delusions. But dwell ye in darkness and insanity. It suits you very well from all the posts of yours I've bothered reading girl.
I'm at the end of the line with my little sister! What can i do?
O wow. You life sounds a lot like mine when I was younger. My sister was always bigger than me, and she always picked on me. Now that we're older, we still have those differences. The important thing is for you to look out for yourself. Make friends, and stay out of her way. When she's at home, be out. Go to the library, to the park, read to the wee ones at borders. When you're at home, stay in your room and avoid her there also. You have a few years to go before college, and once you're outta there, you're outta there. In the meantime, steer clear.
Vasectomy had anyone had it reversed ?
The micro surgery (suturing two ends of a "water hose" the size of a human hair) lasted long enough to test positive - about three months. Also, the post surgery period is shall we say awkward at best and caring for incisions in very loose skin take great care.
Anyone with family members suffering from false memories?
there are people and therapists out there that will try to do things like that. brain wash i guess. when i was in highschool they decided that i had been molested as a child and at first i started to believe then but then my mom niped that in the bud and i realized that they were trying to do that, the only thing that i can suggest is maybe hire a lawyer to help just in case. maybe see if the children will do some family therapy with your therapist. why does this person want to convice them that they were molested and abused by you? is this a cult that you might need to research into? i wish i could be more help and my heart goes out to you and your children for theyre confusion. i hope this helps a little
What to wear for a funeral?
I have to attend a funeral but I'm from Cali, and the funeral is in a snowy state. So I have no idea what to wear. I cant put on my "little black dress" because its super cold. What can I wear?
How long will it take for your ipod touch to reboot?
I have followed the instructions on redsn0w on how to jailbreak my ipod touch and they said that it will be a while for it to reboot, and that the longest ever was an hour. I'm waiting and its taking forever and my ipod keeps making the chime noise when your conected and the screen starts to change then it gets back to the black screen with the apple.
Is twirling the spaghetti using a knife and spoon really that bad as far as etiquette is concerned, and why?
My Sicilian godfather would have MY head on the platter if I dared CUT my spaghetti. FORK and SPOON. TWIRL !!!
What snake is best for me and how much would it cost to care for one?
I am looking to get a small house pet. At first I wanted a sugar glider but they are over 100 dollars and its best to get 2 of them. So I have decided I want a pet snake. What is the best snake to get for your first one? Will they bite and if so will it hurt/Do they have teeth? How much will it cost for Food, Cage, etc.
My friend Sir Barth screwed up my new store sign--It says "Likher" store...but sales are up 50%..keep it up?
Brings a whole new look to body shots! WTG Ted! Why not just get some free labor while your at it. Make these females that loiter in the store to help you sweep up. I'm sure they won't mind. If not there is always your darling children to tidy up the store. In fact as long as I see this SC of yours for a private tasting...I wouldn't mind one bit in helping you sweep. That's what friends are for!
How would you find the estimate to this problem?
11,300 miles: The distance around the world the current amount of leaked oil would stretch if it was placed in milk jugs lined up side by side. To quantify, that's farther than New York to Buenos Aires, Argentina, and back.
I'm thinking of getting a Subaru Forrester. Any other cars or small SUV's I should look at?
I commute from Buffalo to Rochester for work 3 days a week, so I'd like something thats all-wheel-drive with decent gas milage. I need it to be dependable even after it racks up a lot of milage and has to be an automatic. I don't really want to spend more than 25K, and I'm looking at either new or under 15000 miles.
If i use something a name the person "Walter Melon" is that plagerising?
I looked it up online and saw that there was a cartoon on it so I'm wondering if I use that name for a person if it's stealing???
How do I recover my draw string?
The draw string in my sweatpants was pulled enough that only one end of the string is out. how can i get the other end to come out so i can tie the pants
To compete in dance; or no to compete?
I'm 15 years old and just started dance up again last yr. before that, I dance from age 2-11. At my studio, there's teen cles and competition. I'm coming prepared, on time, and regularly to every cl offered to non-competition(2 days a week). The thing is; the majority of my clmates do not attend regularly, promptly or properly prepared. I would like to join a competition team next year, so that I am with other committed dancers. The thing is, I'm not nearly good enough to be on the level with kids my age. Should I try out competition on a level with people younger than me or stick to the teen cles?
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Does anyone know about W M Rodgers silverware?
I found some silverware in my basement. On the back that is an imprint that reads W M Rodgers. Does anyone know anything about this?
Quiz: What Number Are You? ?
There seems to be a lot of Fives here, me too, and a lot of spot-on ysis, except for the greed fixation which I most certainly do not have.
Here at Starbucks @ Columbus Circle in NYC the baristas lift the gl covering the baked goods and then SPRAY windex on the inside of the gl to clean it. You can see all the spray droplets falling on the food YOU BUY. Ignorance is bliss but, I'm sure windex is not a prerfered additive to there so-called heathy policy. More training perhaps is needed. Enjoy your windex meal folks!
Which OLTL characters would you like...?
I would love to see Viki's boys back for good, they are central to the show. Cie, Max,Lindsay, RJ,Larry Wolek!
Did anyone else feel old when they referred to the Figure 4 tonight as "vintage"????
The match between HHH & Nature Boy - did anyone else feel a twinge of old age when they called the Figure 4 "vintage"???? : )
Can you recommend books for summer reading?
omg! i LOVED cirque de freak! it was so.... idk but it was really good. hmm. one of the books im currently reading is "the host" by Stephanie Meyer. its really good. :D
Masturbation question?
I was just wondering what common household items i could use for when i masturbate. I don't have a vibrator, and i don't plan on getting one. I was just curious as too what works well?
What should I feed my turtle, and what kind of turtle is it?
I spotted a female turtle (I know it is female from past experiences) and I believe she is a painted turtle for the curvature of her shell and varying lines of orange, yellow, and red. She has two giant yellow spots on her neck. I'm not sure what to feed her, last time we bought my previous turtle its kind of food; but I am completely unsure whether I have an aquatic turtle or land turtle. The feet do have claws, and slightly webbed. She seems to prefer the water over the dirt. The only thing she has eaten is a bite of fish, a bite of watermelon, and a piece of a worm. (My last turtle enjoyed watermelon thoroughly.) I am keeping this turtle, and I want to raise it. Help?
WWE Diva: Mickie James or Trish Stratus?
mickie james would own trish stratus. trish stratus wasnt even a real wrestler she didnt have any wrestling background she was just pushed based on her looks. mickie james has way more experianced and actually had wrestling background. mickie james wins hands down.
Will things turn around between us or should I just give up hope?
I recently became un-engaged, not my choice at all, and I don't really know what to make out of the situation. I really do love the guy I was with obviously I figured he was the one, and a large part of me still does. We had dated in high school, and then broke up and after not talking for two years we started to again and then started dating and then we got engaged, we went through some pretty interesting times like him getting a DUI, then a suspension for driving with no license and then him going to jail for a bit because of it and losing his license until next year, and being broke and having to move. I also moved to his hometown with him because he wanted to be closer to his friends, and so I agreed wholeheartedly and we moved up there. Then he got a new job, where he would be away for six months with only one day off and two days after he left for work he said that he needed to sort his life out and that he couldn't do that with someone, how I have a good life and he would only wreck it and that we moved to fast. I told him we didn't have to be engaged and could just be together, and that I didn't for a second think he was going to wreck my life which I don't, and he said he still loves me. Everyone thinks I am crazy for still loving him, and for still wanting him but they don't understand the relationship but I am not really sure what to make of the situation and I am wondering if anyone has advice, or if they think the situation could turn around. A guys opinion would be really helpful as well.
How do i tell him ? help <3?
well either go up to him and ask if you can talk to him then ask him o leave a message this may not be the bst advice but its all i can think of cuz i'm going through boy trouble to
What are some words that start with q?
HELP!!!! we are doing an a-z autobiography and i need some words that start with q i can't think of any! HELP!!!!
How can I create a program that will display characters from a to z using repetition control structures in Jav?
Can someone give me the code for displaying characters from a to z using repetition? I'm using Eclipse. I think the we will be using do while loops in this problem.
How can i link 2 forms in visual basic?
form1 contains candidates while form2 contains tally can i count the votes of the candidates from form1 using form2.hellllppppp!!!
Poem, add your thoughts please?
I know what you're feeling. I particularly like the way you use the word "watchin watchin watchin" instead of "watching" because it brings to life the element of relaxation and rain and soft emotion.
I have limewire and it was downloading kiddie ???
My husbands friend was over here and they were downloading songs, my husband wasnt really paying attention to what his friend was doing and the next day i got on and there was all this kiddie on there. my husband is determined to try and find some other reason it is on there. he did some searching and came to the conclusion that it had to be a hacker. I do not believe this is the case. number one i have just lastnight did a complete scan of my comp for malware and virus' and i dont have any.two i dont believe a hacker is just going to get in my comp to download ,they have easier ways to do this like getting an external hard drive, third there was like twenty files downloading, and they were mostly of asian girls which his friend is into asians .. so i am lead to believe that it was his friend. what do you think??/ does anyone know much about this kind of thing?? please help if it was his friend i dont want him around my two year old daughter .... thanks
If a family member is very ill and lives in another country, can an immediate family member take them to USA?
My grandma is very ill. She has diabetes, and they want to amputate both legs because of lack of medical knowledge and technology in Ukraine. She has no one to take care of her. I was wondering if maybe as an emergency our family could rush her to America to get modern medical attention.
How to amend the sentences in English? (It is a part of my autobiography.)?
you might want to explain the acronyms and abbreviations, unless your audience is likely to be familiar with 'em. otherwise, it seems all good.
People say I am pretty, but I can't seem to land the guy? Explanation please? I do not know what to do. Help!!?
I understand. Guys do they same with me they all say your so pretty, your really hot, you should be my girl. but yet im still single. Maybe you haven't found the right one. When its the right one you will know because you will get erflies, you will feel like you want to run when ever your near him, its something you would feel. once you feel that make sure you talk to that guy.
Does the 2007-2010 Opel Astra have MP3 audio capability?
Renting a car next week & need to know whether I can burn some audio CDs in MP3 format vs. .wav format.
Will KOW TOW Pelosi continue to be a useful idiot to any and all tyrants?!?
.....that's "Damascus Nancy"... right up there with "Hanoi Jane" and "Tehran Rosie".....
He's Too Tall !!! Help Plz :(?
I have a bf but he is 6ft3 and im 5ft5 so i can neva reach him when we kiss its really awkward :( What shud I do ???
My 2 y/o sees bugs that are not their Please help!?
My 2 y/o has been terrified and says she sees bugs.. but there are no bugs there... a few days ago she walked into a swarm of nets every since that happened she has been saying she sees bugs ... she has been screaming saying she sees bugs on the wall, in the bathroom ... she will not go to the bathroom alone anymore she pees in the bed to avoid going to the bathroom( so i take her to the bathroom now!she walks around petrified ..its really hurting me i cant stop crying because i dont like seeing her this way all she wants to do is get in the bed, she doesnt even want to eat.. im pregnant and high risk and im not suppose to be stressed out but i cant help but to be is there something wrong? my daughter will look behind me and say she sees a bug and i tell her there are no bugs there, then i ask her what color she tells me white and she says it keeps running and she doesnt like that kind...i hear her saying dont get my mommy bug or dont get my daddy bug...could my daughter be hallucinating? could it be possible that she was so traumatized by the experience that she actually sees bugs or thinks she sees bugs? someone please help! only serious inquiries please. i will report you to yahoo if you leave me a offensive,rude,disrespectfuk answer -this is my 2 y/o were talking about...also that same day my other daughter had accidentally hit the 2 y/o in the face w/ a stick causing her nose to bleed i was wondering if it could be possile my daughteris just seeing floaters or spots in her eyes.. im just trying to figure this all out.thanks for your serious answers,opinions or advice
How are you discipling/punishing your toddler?
I used to my 2 1/2 year but she's a toughie! She wouldn't cry at all so I started to put her in a timeout. I put her in a corner and stand right behind where she can't move nor look behind her. I do this for about 2 minutes. It works like a charm
Why is the 'Tea Party " now getting the blame for the debt ceiling meltdown that was clearly caused by ?
Apparently the people doing this (blaming the TEA Party) are woefully ignorant of why American elected them (the TEA Party) last year. It wasn't to go along with the lib destruction of our nation.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Is boxing more about PPV sales then respect?Berto is a victim?
He is a victim in his own decision...The fight between him and mosley is the fight that could give him the ticket to the ppv world...But he cancel the fight...So its better right now he should work his way in and sign a new promoter...He is a free agent maybe next year...He should sign with top rank or golden boy...If he cant sell ppv then, i think he should fight star fighter first not a cash cow directly..Maybe miguel cotto would do or mosley...
I'm having an identity crisis!?
I've been into the Goth subculture since I was eight years old. I've always loved everything dark and spooky. But there's a group at school (the scene kids) who I really like. I get along very well with them, and I like hanging out with them. But they'll only talk to me when I dress like one of them. I don't know what to do; if I stay with this group, I'll (for once) have a social life. But if I go back to being myself, I'll go back to being made fun of by everyone. ... So, here are my choices: Be myself and have no social life, or be fake so that I can have friends. What should I do?
How to chat with celebrities online?
I am a HUUGEE fan of 2 stars. 1 from Hollywood and 1 from Bollywood(Indian film industry). David Bowie and Shah Rukh Khan. I would LOVE to be able to chat with them. If anyone knows their e-mail address or any way of chatting with them...PLEASE HELP!! I will not misuse any of the information...PLEASEEEE...I beg anyone who has any information to HELP. PLEASE!
Question about SAT scores?
When people say "I have a SAT score of ______" for example, let's pick 1700... are they talking about just all the multiple choice sections of reading comprehension/completing sentences/word choice etc. and the math or are they also talking about the combined score of the reading comp. multiple choice, math, and the essay?
Myocardial infarction happened on 25.07.2006, details is given under for better understanding of the question?
i had MI on 25.7.05, diagnosed as IW + RVMI, thrombolysed with stk, tmt done +ischemia. coronary angio on 25.10.05 - revealed recised RCA with good LV function.pulse 72 regular rhythm BP 130/80 JVP not elevated, no cardiomegaly, S1 S2 normal limits. platelett count was referred as 669.0 k/ul. I have bronchial asthma. cholestrol - 180 mg/dl triglyceride - 184 hdl - 32 ldl-111.2 vldl - 36.8 mg/dl - medicines now taking - aspirin+clopidogrel 75 mg / metoprolol succinate - 25mg / atorvastatin & ezetimibe -5+10 mg. On the above details I would like to know how far i have to take the medicines and what r the precuations for future. I had a irregular smoking habit, quit after 25.07.2005. Now i am having low cholestrol/fat diet and with 90 ml alchohol twice in a month. is alchohol in permissibe limits. what type alchohol is suitable. I have regular . I go for walking 30 mins. and play badminton twice a week. No discomfort during the physical activities. no satisfactory ans from doctor
Christians : Is it wrong to have after having a hysterectomy or vasectomy?
If the purpose of is procreation and having a hysterectomy or vasectomy makes it impossible for someone to procreate is it wrong to have after having a hysterectomy or vasectomy? Should people even be having a hysterectomy or vasectomy being that it is a form of birth control?
I would like to go in for reengineered cartridges for my color compaq printer Model ij600 locally.?
Reengineered cartridges are provided with screw-on caps flush with the top cover of cartridge making it extremely easy to refill the same rather than the messy syringe technique commonly in vogue. Especially in the case of colored ink cartridges this would be very useful 'cause only a particular color may have run out. Thanks!!!
Looking for a new hair style? (GIRLS)?
I am looking for a few hair styles i can have my hair for school, work etc. I have wavy hair and it is very long. It comes down to about the height of my when freely relaxed on my back (saime height as my s would be but on my back) if you get what i mean. My mum always had shaved hair untll 16, so she wants me to have nice hair. Naturally, I have blondy/browny coloured hair (that again, my mum would kill me if i died it ) but i always have trouble in how to do my hair becuse i have a rlly pretty featured face, but itis big LOL. i hav a proportioned face but i do have slightly chubby cheeks. LOL. (BTW I DONT HAVE A FRINGE AND AGAIN MUM WOULDNT LET ME HAVE) High cheek bones, big green eyes with long eyelashes, on (in proportion) nose with large red naturally lips. My chin is small in proportion. When i pull my hair back in a neat ponytail, my face looks chubby (extremely to me but mum reckons not) and atm, i pull my hair to a side high ponytail ( so it is beside my face in a ponytail and i get sum good comments but i need sumthing new) either with my natural curly ahir or i straighten it. MY HAIR IS THIN -_-. when i have it naturally curled, wih a lil bit of curl enhancer in it, and i blow dry it a bit and scrunch it, it does look thicker. Thanks,
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