Tuesday, December 20, 2011

To all people who are in love with someone that does not love you back.?

I know what it's like, and believe me it hurts. I am there right now. I wish he knew that I at least have feelings for him, but he probably never will. It's a hard thing to deal with, but my advice to all of you girls and guys out there is to let him/her know that you are there for them no matter matter what. That your a friend they have you, if they ever need some one. Also, in my view... You should want whats best for them, what makes them happy. Like here is some what of an example: This guy who I love so deeply, and truly, I would be prepared to give anything for him, especially my life, so that he may live, wants a girlfriend. I pray that he will find one, and hopefully for both of their benefits, that she loves him more then I. He means so much, he is on my mind alot, and even though he doesn't know it.... He has taught me more about love then anyone else on this earth. "What is true Love? No one knows for sure, until one experiences it for himself." There was one time were I thought I was in love, although deep down, I knew I wasn't. I always asked myself, "Am I really in love?" Now, I know I wasn't at all. I felt jealous when he was with another girl, I felt like I had to have him for me, and no one else, blah, blah, blah. That all changed when I met, and got to know, 'Him.' I don't feel that way, the feeling is different, and it feels pure, not fake. All I want is what is best for him, I always want to put him first. Above me anyday. He is amazing, and I pray that he has a good life. Also, one more thing... Whn you fall in love, there will be no questions. You will know that it is true. -More to come...


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